Member-only story
My First Conscious Lucid Dreaming Experience
Thanks to the fake c ov id situation, travel is restricted for the non-vac ci nated ones. As any seeming misfortune can be turned to one’s advantage, I used this limitation to free myself.
Since I was quite burned by an out-of-control kundalini awakening in the past, I now proceeded with this spiritual endeavor with the utmost caution, as I do with any spiritual activity now. I deliberately chose lucid dreaming rather than something like astral projection — as it’s safer.
(I consider lucid dreaming and astral travel to be the same thing, but because I’m new to it, I’m unable to make further comments about it. It seems like lucid dreaming is safer. It’s like getting to the same destination using a safer method — that’s how I see it at the moment.)
I only had one lucid dream years ago, and it wasn’t intentional. I woke up in a dream, when I was in a horse-drawn carriage, sitting with other people. I told them that I knew that it was only a dream, so they don’t need to act anymore. I don’t remember what their reactions were.
But this time I consciously wanted to initiate lucid dreams.
Firstly, I started keeping a dream journal. When I would wake up, I would dig my brain to uncover what I was up to in sleep. Sometimes the dreams were clear and I was able with ease to…